Embracing Midlife Challenges with Presence

As women we face a multitude of significant life changes and challenges. From empty nests as children leave for college to dealing with the loss of parents, shifting careers, or going through a divorce, this phase can be a rollercoaster of emotions and transitions. Additionally, the challenges of perimenopause and menopause add another layer to this transformative period of life. While it's natural to feel overwhelmed, there's a powerful tool that can help us navigate these turbulent waters: the art of being present.

The Power of Being Present

Being present means fully immersing ourselves in the current moment, acknowledging our feelings and surroundings without judgment. It's about living mindfully and authentically, without seeking to escape or numb out from discomfort. The benefits of practicing presence are profound, particularly when facing tough emotions and major life changes, along with the challenges of perimenopause and menopause:

1. Breathwork for Emotional Regulation

Perimenopause and menopause can bring hormonal fluctuations that affect mood and emotions. Breathwork becomes even more critical during this time to help regulate your nervous system and reduce stress. When life's challenges and hormonal changes feel overwhelming, taking slow, deep breaths can help anchor you in the present, allowing you to process difficult emotions with clarity.

2. Navigating Physical and Emotional Changes

Menopause often brings with it physical changes, such as hot flashes, sleep disturbances, and changes in body composition. Embracing these changes with presence allows you to adapt and find strategies to manage them effectively. In addition to physical changes, the emotional ups and downs can be significant. Being present during these times allows you to fully acknowledge and manage your feelings, helping you find inner strength.

3. Finding Joy Amidst Challenges

One of the remarkable aspects of being present is that it enables us to experience joy and sadness simultaneously. Life is a blend of light and shadow, and both coexist. Amidst the challenges of midlife and menopause, take time to notice the small, beautiful moments that bring you joy – a colorful sunset, a heartfelt conversation, or even the taste of your favorite meal. Joy can be a source of strength during challenging times, and it can be even more vital as you navigate menopausal changes.

4. Healing Through Presence

Numbing out or avoiding difficult emotions may provide temporary relief, but it doesn't facilitate true healing. Being present, on the other hand, allows you to process, learn, and grow. When we are present with our feelings and emotions we allow them space to move through us vs. pushing tough emotions away allowing them to manifest into body aches and pains, tension or worse. By confronting your emotions, midlife challenges, and the changes brought by menopause head-on, you gain the resilience and wisdom to navigate future obstacles.

Practical Steps to Cultivate Presence

  1. Mindful Breathing: Incorporate deep breathing exercises into your daily routine. Pause and take a few slow, intentional breaths whenever you're feeling overwhelmed, especially during menopausal symptoms.

  2. Daily Gratitude: Start or end your day by acknowledging the things you're grateful for, including the strength you've developed in navigating midlife and menopause.

  3. Mindful Movement: Engage in activities that ground you in the present, such as yoga, meditation, or nature walks, which can also help manage menopausal symptoms.

  4. Connect with Others: Share your feelings with friends, family, or support groups. Connecting with others can provide a sense of belonging and understanding during tough times and menopausal experiences.

  5. Seek Professional Help: If you find that processing emotions, midlife challenges, and the complexities of menopause are too difficult, don't hesitate to seek the support of a therapist or counselor who understands both the emotional and physical aspects of this life stage.

Remember that midlife challenges and the changes associated with perimenopause and menopause, while often challenging, can also be transformative. By embracing the present, you can find strength, healing, and even joy amidst the difficulties. Life's ups and downs are part of the beautiful journey. Embrace it, and you'll discover that you possess the resilience to thrive through it all.

Embrace Your Queenage: You Deserve a Seat at the F&%KING Table

Life is a grand banquet, and every phase of it has its own unique flavor. When we're young, we often find ourselves at the "kids' table" of this grand feast. We're learning, growing, and finding our way in the world. But what happens when we reach midlife, especially during the transformative stages of perimenopause and menopause?

It's time to declare, "I deserve a seat at the F&%king Table!"

The Kids' Table: Early Life

Think back to family gatherings or holiday dinners during your childhood. There was usually a separate table for the kids – a place where we laughed, made a mess, and felt carefree. It was a rite of passage when we finally earned a spot at the adults' table, a sign that we were growing up.

Midlife Transformation: Your Awakening

Fast forward to midlife. This is the phase where many of us find ourselves facing perimenopause and menopause, and it can sometimes feel like we've been relegated back to the kids' table. Hormonal changes, societal expectations, and self-doubt can make us question our worth and impact.

But here's the truth: Midlife is NOT a return to the kids' table. It's an awakening, a reclamation of your power, and a time to declare that you deserve a seat at the F&%king Table of life.

You've Earned Your Crown: Wisdom Through Experience

You've spent decades accumulating wisdom. Your experiences – the joys, heartaches, triumphs, and setbacks – have woven a tapestry of insight that's uniquely yours. You've navigated the challenges of early adulthood, built careers, raised families, and supported others. This is your strength, your crown.

Embrace Your Inner Queen

Your journey has led you to this moment, where you're discovering your inner queen. This isn't about age; it's about embracing your power and purpose. It's about declaring that you are deserving, worthy, and unapologetic about taking your place at the table.

Wear Your Crown with Pride

Your crown represents the strength, resilience, and wisdom that define this phase of life. It's a symbol of your achievements, your self-discovery, and your ability to empower yourself and others. Wear it with pride and grace.

The F&%king Table: Your Place of Empowerment

Claiming a seat at the F&%king Table is a declaration of empowerment. It's a recognition that you're not here to play small, to doubt yourself, or to let others define your worth. You're here to shine, to lead, and to create a legacy.

The Reign of Your Queenage

It's time to step into your Queenage with passion + strength. It's time to acknowledge your worth, your power, and your right to a seat at the F&%king Table of life. Your journey is not over; it's just beginning. Embrace it, wear your crown proudly, and let your reign inspire others to do the same.

The kids' table was fun, but your place is here, among the queens, among the powerful, among those who know they deserve a seat at the F&%king Table.

Rediscover Your Purpose: A Journey of Renewal in Peri/Menopause

Do you find yourself feeling that you’ve lost your sense of purpose? If you're a woman navigating the winding road of perimenopause or menopause, you're not alone in pondering this profound question. This transitional phase of life often brings with it a sense of uncertainty, coupled with a yearning to reignite the flames of purpose.

The Search for Purpose:

The quest for purpose isn't exclusive to women navigating peri/menopause, but it often becomes more pressing during this transformative period. The roles that defined you—career, parenting, or others—may shift, leaving you to explore who you are beyond these roles. It's an opportunity to rediscover and redefine your sense of purpose.

Life Coaching Tips to Find Your Purpose:

Life coaching can be a valuable compass on this journey of self-discovery. Here are some tips to help you reconnect to your purpose again:

1. Self-Reflection:

  • Journaling: Start a journal to record your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. Reflect on what truly excites and inspires you.

2. Explore Passions:

  • Curiosity: What are you curious about? Exploring new interests can lead to discovering your passions.

  • Hobbies: Reconnect with old hobbies or explore new ones. The joy you find in these activities can provide hints to your purpose.

3. Identify Core Values:

  • Values Assessment: Identify your core values. What principles and beliefs guide your life? Aligning with these values can lead to a sense of purpose.

4. Seek Inspiration:

  • Mentorship: Seek out mentors or role models who have found their purpose in midlife. Their journeys can inspire and provide guidance.

  • Books and Workshops: Dive into books, workshops, or courses that explore the concept of purpose and personal development.

5. Embrace Your Unique Gifts:

  • Strengths Assessment: Discover your strengths and talents. Leveraging these gifts can lead to a fulfilling sense of purpose.

6. Set Goals:

  • SMART Goals: Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals related to your purpose. These milestones provide clarity and motivation.

7. Connect and Give Back:

  • Community Involvement: Engage in volunteer work or community projects aligned with your values and interests.

  • Networking: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passions.

8. Embrace Change:

  • Mindset Shift: Embrace change as an opportunity rather than a challenge. Midlife is a time of transformation and growth.

9. Seek Professional Guidance:

  • Life Coaching: Consider working with a certified life coach. They can provide support, guidance, and tools to help you navigate this journey.

10. Practice Patience:

  • Timing: Finding your purpose is a process, not an overnight revelation. Be patient with yourself and allow space for exploration.

Your journey to rediscover your purpose in this season of your life is an inspiring chapter of growth and self-discovery. It's a chance to embrace your unique gifts, passions, and values. Remember that your sense of purpose can evolve and adapt as you do. Embrace this transformative journey with an open heart and the belief that your best days are yet to come.

Embracing the Whispers of Your Heart: Navigating Perimenopause with Grace and Growth

Perimenopause, the transitional phase leading to menopause, is a profound period of change for women. Beyond the physical shifts, it's a time when the whispers of your heart become more pronounced. These inner messages can guide you through the challenges and transformations of this new season of life. In this blog post, we'll explore how listening to your heart can help you grow and thrive during perimenopause.

Understanding Perimenopause: Perimenopause typically begins in the late 30s or early 40s and can last for several years before menopause officially sets in. It's marked by hormonal fluctuations, irregular periods, and various physical and emotional symptoms. Amidst these changes, your heart's whispers can become your compass, guiding you forward.

The Importance of Listening to Your Heart: Your heart's whispers are the quiet, inner nudges that often get drowned out in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. During perimenopause, these whispers gain significance for several reasons:

  1. Self-Discovery: Perimenopause is an opportunity to reconnect with your authentic self. The whispers of your heart can reveal what truly matters to you at this stage of life.

  2. Emotional Well-Being: Hormonal changes can lead to mood swings and emotional fluctuations. Listening to your heart helps you identify and address emotional needs, fostering inner peace.

  3. Self-Care: As your body goes through changes, your heart may guide you toward self-care practices like meditation, yoga, or nurturing hobbies that support your well-being.

  4. Relationships: Your heart's whispers can influence your relationships, helping you express your needs and desires more authentically.

Ways to Tune into Your Heart:

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices create the space for introspection, allowing you to hear the whispers of your heart more clearly.

  2. Journaling: Keeping a journal can help you capture your thoughts and feelings. It's a powerful tool for self-reflection and self-discovery.

  3. Seeking Support: Sharing your journey with friends, family, or a therapist can provide a safe space to explore your heart's whispers.

  4. Prioritizing Self-Care: Pay attention to what activities and practices bring you joy and peace. Your heart often guides you toward these sources of nourishment.

Embracing Growth and Transformation: Perimenopause, although challenging, is also a time of tremendous growth and transformation. By listening to your heart, you can embrace this new season of life with grace:

  1. Acceptance: Listen to your heart's messages about accepting the changes in your body and life. This acceptance is the foundation for growth.

  2. Resilience: Your heart whispers resilience in the face of physical and emotional challenges. It reminds you of your inner strength.

  3. Empowerment: Your heart's whispers empower you to make choices that align with your true self, whether it's in your health, career, or relationships.

  4. Self-Love: The whispers of your heart often speak of self-love. Embracing this love is a powerful catalyst for personal growth.

Perimenopause is a season of change, growth, and self-discovery. The whispers of your heart are your faithful guides through this transformative journey. By paying attention to these inner messages, you can navigate perimenopause with grace, embrace personal growth, and step confidently into the next chapter of your life.

Remember, your heart knows the way; all you have to do is listen.

Xo Lisa

Navigating Perimenopause/Menopause Weight Gain: The Transformative Power of Yoga and Life Coaching

Perimenopause and menopause are phases of life that bring about numerous changes, including shifts in hormones that can lead to weight gain and changes in body composition. Weight gain during this time can be frustrating, but it's important to recognize that it's a natural part of the transition. By combining the holistic practices of yoga and life coaching, you can proactively manage weight gain, boost your self-esteem, and embrace this new chapter with confidence. In this blog post, we'll explore how yoga and life coaching tools can help you navigate perimenopause and menopause weight gain effectively.

Understanding Hormones and Weight Gain: Fluctuating estrogen levels during perimenopause and menopause can contribute to changes in metabolism and fat distribution. Weight gain, particularly around the abdominal area, is common. However, the goal is not solely to prevent weight gain but to manage it in a healthy and mindful manner.

The Transformative Role of Yoga: Yoga is a powerful practice that addresses not only physical fitness but also emotional well-being. Incorporating yoga into your routine can help manage weight gain and promote a healthier body image. Here's how:

  1. Physical Activity: Regular physical activity, including yoga, helps maintain muscle mass and supports metabolism. Dynamic styles like Vinyasa and Power Yoga provide cardiovascular benefits, while gentle styles like Hatha and Yin Yoga promote flexibility and relaxation.

  2. Mindful Eating: Yoga encourages mindful eating practices, fostering a deeper connection with your body's hunger and fullness cues. Practicing mindfulness can prevent overeating and promote healthier food choices.

  3. Stress Reduction: Yoga incorporates relaxation techniques that reduce stress and cortisol levels. High stress can contribute to weight gain, particularly around the midsection. Stress reduction through yoga can support healthy weight management.

  4. Self-Compassion: Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-acceptance and self-compassion. By cultivating a positive body image and a kind relationship with yourself, you can navigate weight changes with greater ease.

Empowering Strategies from Life Coaching: Life coaching equips you with tools to navigate challenges and make positive changes in various aspects of your life, including weight management. Here's how life coaching can support you:

  1. Goal Setting: A life coach can help you set realistic and achievable weight management goals. These goals can focus on both physical health and emotional well-being.

  2. Mindset Shift: Coaching can assist in shifting your perspective from focusing solely on the number on the scale to embracing overall health and well-being. This mindset shift reduces the pressure often associated with weight gain.

  3. Creating Action Plans: Coaches help you create actionable plans to incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine. This can include meal planning, regular exercise, and stress reduction practices.

  4. Accountability and Support: Regular coaching sessions provide accountability and encouragement as you work toward your weight management goals. The support of a coach can boost your motivation and commitment.

Perimenopause and menopause are transformative phases that come with their own set of challenges, including weight gain. Embracing the power of yoga and life coaching can provide you with effective tools to manage weight gain in a holistic and empowering way. Remember that your worth goes far beyond your body's changes. With the right strategies, self-care, and support, you can navigate this journey with grace, confidence, and a focus on overall well-being.

Why A Yoga Retreat Needs to be on your Bucket List!!

Are you ready for a RETREAT?


I love creating retreats! Creating a safe space for people to unwind, let go, connect deeper to themselves + their needs. A Yoga Retreat is a magical time!

4 reasons you should sign up for a Retreat today:

#1. Time away is essential

 Life happens! We go through each day, flowing through our routines with little or no time to pause and process all that transpires. Just like nature we are moving through different seasons in our lives. Time away on a Yoga Retreat gives us the space to reflect, release, process and step into a new version of ourselves. 

#2. Rest

You know how during a trip you want to tick off all the sights in your guidebook that you end up needing a vacation after your vacation? Well, on a yoga retreat it's all about RELAXING! No rushing, no place to be or sense that your missing something. Only time to be present and enjoy each moment. 

#3. Nurture your body and soul

A yoga retreat will nurture your body, mind and soul. The best part is those positive effects won't stop there. Going on a yoga retreat will inspire you to adopt and keep these healthy habits and a mindful lifestyle even after it's over and you're home again. 

#4. Start or deepen your yoga practice

 You don't have to be an experienced Yogi to experience the beauty of a Yoga Retreat. A Yoga Retreat is a great way to start or deepen your practice. Being away from the distractions of your daily life, surrounded by like-minded people in a beautiful, serene setting makes it much easier to connect with yourself and be present on your yoga mat. 

Attending a Yoga Retreat will change you and your life for the better. Are you ready to try it for yourself? 

Join me October 11-13th for a Weekend to Nourish Your Soul, Yoga Beach Retreat in Encinitas, CA!! This will be a magical time to reconnect, unwind, practice, breathe and simply BE. 



Take a moment right now...sit back in your chair, relax your shoulders away from your ears, connect to your breath, breathing in and out of the belly and close your eyes. 



Is your life missing the PAUSE button? 

Do you ever feel like life keeps moving faster and faster each year? 

It's as if time speeds up and the next thing you know another year has passed you by! 

As a busy modern day woman, I can relate to this 100%! Managing life, your kid's lives, your to do list, your social life, social media, work, play, your home, your finances, your future etc.. etc... It all just gets a bit overwhelming and very, very time consuming.

When do we have time for just us? When do we get time to PAUSE and check-in? When do we find the time to look at our lives and ask the BIG questions...Am i happy? Am I nourishing my soul? Am I living a life that I LOVE? 

Most of us don't, because we have forgotten how to HIT THE PAUSE BUTTON! 

Maybe you didn't even realize this was possible for you? Maybe it never occurred to you that you have the ability to PAUSE, take a step back, restore and examine the quality of your life. 

We only get one shot to live this life to the fullest! Hitting the PAUSE BUTTON isn't a luxury, its a necessity! 

"Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.". ~ Ferris Bueller


Here's a few way's YOU can hit the PAUSE button:

  • Where could you go for an hour? Take out your calendar and a piece of paper. List at least ten possible places. There doesn't have to be anything dramatic about the places. They simply need to afford you the chance for one hour of uninterrupted solitude. Get excited about the possibility of time to yourself. Could you go to a park, library, yoga class, car, garden, hammock, mountain top, hiking, biking, Barnes & Noble, or a room of your own? Now SCHEDULE IT! 
  • Where could you go for an overnight or a weekend? This can be more challenging, but try to come up with five places. Keep your focus on the place, not the list of things you'll need to take care of to get there. Too often we paralyze ourselves with worry about the hurdles before we even allow ourselves to envision the possibility of escape. Making a plan gives you power, and feeling power gives you hope!  

Return to your list again and again as you incorporate taking a retreat or pause into your life. 

A sweet invitation for YOU to find time to PAUSE.  Join myself and Maya Montoya, in beautiful Joshua Tree,  January 2018 for our New Beginnings Yoga Retreat.


For more details on how you can join us click here.

This truly is a GIFT that you give to yourself. 

Finding time to PAUSE, process, reevaluate and simply get away to clear your mind is  essential for finding inner happiness.  

By taking care of YOU, YOU are taking care of everyone around you. 

Sending you Peace, Love & Light.....hoping that you find time to PAUSE.

