Why A Yoga Retreat Needs to be on your Bucket List!!

Are you ready for a RETREAT?


I love creating retreats! Creating a safe space for people to unwind, let go, connect deeper to themselves + their needs. A Yoga Retreat is a magical time!

4 reasons you should sign up for a Retreat today:

#1. Time away is essential

 Life happens! We go through each day, flowing through our routines with little or no time to pause and process all that transpires. Just like nature we are moving through different seasons in our lives. Time away on a Yoga Retreat gives us the space to reflect, release, process and step into a new version of ourselves. 

#2. Rest

You know how during a trip you want to tick off all the sights in your guidebook that you end up needing a vacation after your vacation? Well, on a yoga retreat it's all about RELAXING! No rushing, no place to be or sense that your missing something. Only time to be present and enjoy each moment. 

#3. Nurture your body and soul

A yoga retreat will nurture your body, mind and soul. The best part is those positive effects won't stop there. Going on a yoga retreat will inspire you to adopt and keep these healthy habits and a mindful lifestyle even after it's over and you're home again. 

#4. Start or deepen your yoga practice

 You don't have to be an experienced Yogi to experience the beauty of a Yoga Retreat. A Yoga Retreat is a great way to start or deepen your practice. Being away from the distractions of your daily life, surrounded by like-minded people in a beautiful, serene setting makes it much easier to connect with yourself and be present on your yoga mat. 

Attending a Yoga Retreat will change you and your life for the better. Are you ready to try it for yourself? 

Join me October 11-13th for a Weekend to Nourish Your Soul, Yoga Beach Retreat in Encinitas, CA!! This will be a magical time to reconnect, unwind, practice, breathe and simply BE. 



Take a moment right now...sit back in your chair, relax your shoulders away from your ears, connect to your breath, breathing in and out of the belly and close your eyes. 



Is your life missing the PAUSE button? 

Do you ever feel like life keeps moving faster and faster each year? 

It's as if time speeds up and the next thing you know another year has passed you by! 

As a busy modern day woman, I can relate to this 100%! Managing life, your kid's lives, your to do list, your social life, social media, work, play, your home, your finances, your future etc.. etc... It all just gets a bit overwhelming and very, very time consuming.

When do we have time for just us? When do we get time to PAUSE and check-in? When do we find the time to look at our lives and ask the BIG questions...Am i happy? Am I nourishing my soul? Am I living a life that I LOVE? 

Most of us don't, because we have forgotten how to HIT THE PAUSE BUTTON! 

Maybe you didn't even realize this was possible for you? Maybe it never occurred to you that you have the ability to PAUSE, take a step back, restore and examine the quality of your life. 

We only get one shot to live this life to the fullest! Hitting the PAUSE BUTTON isn't a luxury, its a necessity! 

"Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.". ~ Ferris Bueller


Here's a few way's YOU can hit the PAUSE button:

  • Where could you go for an hour? Take out your calendar and a piece of paper. List at least ten possible places. There doesn't have to be anything dramatic about the places. They simply need to afford you the chance for one hour of uninterrupted solitude. Get excited about the possibility of time to yourself. Could you go to a park, library, yoga class, car, garden, hammock, mountain top, hiking, biking, Barnes & Noble, or a room of your own? Now SCHEDULE IT! 
  • Where could you go for an overnight or a weekend? This can be more challenging, but try to come up with five places. Keep your focus on the place, not the list of things you'll need to take care of to get there. Too often we paralyze ourselves with worry about the hurdles before we even allow ourselves to envision the possibility of escape. Making a plan gives you power, and feeling power gives you hope!  

Return to your list again and again as you incorporate taking a retreat or pause into your life. 

A sweet invitation for YOU to find time to PAUSE.  Join myself and Maya Montoya, in beautiful Joshua Tree,  January 2018 for our New Beginnings Yoga Retreat.


For more details on how you can join us click here.

This truly is a GIFT that you give to yourself. 

Finding time to PAUSE, process, reevaluate and simply get away to clear your mind is  essential for finding inner happiness.  

By taking care of YOU, YOU are taking care of everyone around you. 

Sending you Peace, Love & Light.....hoping that you find time to PAUSE.

